Our Positive Behaviour Support program is an evidence based whole school approach to behaviour management. Yokine PS has clear expectations for student behaviour, developed through the WA Positive Behaviour Support Framework, explicitly taught, acknowledged and celebrated. The framework fosters high levels of student engagement. There is a dedicated PBS team appointed in the school, consisting of representatives from the Leadership Team, Classroom Teachers, Specialist Teachers, Education Assistants and our Parent community.
Yokine Primary School is deeply committed to giving the best support to the students in our school. That is why we have partnered with the North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre to employ a speech pathologist one day per fortnight. Our speech pathologist works to build the capacity of staff and directly support students to access learning programs and access external support.
Chaplaincy is an integral part of the student and family support available at Yokine Primary School. The chaplain assists the school community by supporting the mental and emotional wellbeing of students, staff and families. This includes providing pastoral care, strengthening values, and enhancing engagement with the broader community.
School psychologists are a vital part of identifying and supporting students who need extra assistance. Our School based psychologist works as part of a student services team, focussing on helping students address disabilities that affect learning and psychological issues. The school psychologist provides education for teachers and parents and psychological assessments and support to individual students.
YCDI is a social-emotional learning program that maximises student success, positive relationships and wellbeing. It aims to teach attitudes, values/character strengths and social-emotional skills for success, relationships and wellbeing as well as for overcoming social-emotional blockers. The program contains lessons that positive attitudes and social-emotional skills that develop young children’s resilience, confidence, persistence, organisation and getting along.