We know that when schools and families work together children have a far better chance of being successful at school and in life. At times you may have queries or concerns in relation to your child’s experience at school or require further information or clarity on a particular program or aspect of school. Effective communication is the key to the success of this relationship. Please know that we are committed to responding promptly and working with families to resolve any misunderstandings. Do you want to speak with someone at our school about a particular enquiry or concern? The following document outlines where to start and the processes to follow. Talking with My School
You may call Yokine Primary School between 8.00am and 4.00pm to speak to our friendly School Officers at the Front Office. There is voicemail outside these hours and we are also available at the email address, below.
Yokine Primary School Phone: 9216 3350
Email: yokine.ps@education.wa.edu.au
The school uses an app called School Stream to send out all important documents including consent forms for incursions and excursions, reminders and general updates. On School Stream, you can also find the School Absentee Form and a Change of Details Form. There is a calendar to help you keep up to date with events that are happening around the school. Information on how to download the app can be accessed HERE.
Yokine Primary School sends out a newsletter on the Friday of weeks 4 and 9 of term that is distributed via School Stream. Newsletters are also available on this website. The newsletter is designed to keep parents/carers aware of all current and future events and school highlights.
The Yokine P&C Facebook page provides another way for you to stay connected with events happening at the school. You can access this https://www.facebook.com/YokinePrimarySchoolPc/