The Yokine Primary School Board represents the school community; they are your voice.
The Board plays an important role within the school, taking part in establishing and reviewing school policies, the direction of the Business Plan and any financial decisions. It is made up of parent representatives, community representatives and staff representatives, including the principal.
The Board welcomes your input and feedback as they represent the interests of the community. Parents are encouraged to engage with the school board if you require information or wish to discuss any school operational issues. Not all matters are relevant to the Board’s purpose so, if you are unsure of whether a matter should be raised with the School Board, please contact the Chair or Principal.
The Board meet twice per term on Thursdays at 6pm. School community members are welcome to attend, unless otherwise advised, however, only Board members have speaking and voting rights. All persons present at the meeting must adhere to the Yokine Primary School Board Code of Conduct.
For further information on the role of the School Board, in West Australian Schools, click here.
To contact the Board Chair, George Lohse, please email
To contact the Principal, Emma King, please email
Yokine PS’s P & C (Parents and Citizens) Association promotes and supports communication and cooperation within the school community. The P & C fundraises to provide extra resources for the benefit of YPS students and runs the school’s Uniform Shop.
A key aim of the P & C is to build the Yokine PS community by coordinating events both in school and in the wider community. Examples include in-school morning tea fundraisers, Election Day BBQs and cake stalls, fun parent evenings such as Quiz Nights and Bogan Bingo, school discos, colour runs, raffles, and more!
The P & C welcomes new members at any time throughout the year. Like and Follow our Facebook page ( to keep up to date with what’s happening and come along in person, or online, to our next meeting.